Saturday, August 8, 2009

Kiamu!!!: The Short

Yes, I'm doing it. The hell with what people say, I am still friggin doing it! "Kiamu!!!: The Short" is now at the level of pre-production, and I am pretty sure a lot people would be happy it is, but not as many as the people who frowns upon the idea that I am actually planning to go with it.

I've been silent for a while, have been quite the busy bee these days. Mornings I am an under-appreciated intern who says no to nothing and nights I am a Director trying to convert his stories into MPEG-4

They keep telling me that what I'm doing is radical, and that its risky. I'm not doing any public demonstration or anything, I'm just telling the truth as I know. Telling the truth is far less radical than keeping it in a closet.

1 comment:

Amin Jamil said...

send me up the preview tix.