" The usage of space is very well thought of, and the camera movements compliments it well too. Personally likes the consistent usage of focus shift of the piece, and the constant cutting between the conversation itself and the conversation off screen with shots of the girl. Good use of music and sound. Notices the change of light on Liang's face, referring it as a continuity error. Not really a fan of the tv static usage, being the depiction (personally) of the dream sequence a point of view of Lydia's character - using tv static, a very technological and electronic thing to represent something biological like memories. Likes Ching Yee's performance and thinks she's a very capable actress"
David Heinemann, Lecturer"Love the style of the cinematography, the representation of space through cinematography and continuity was brilliant, interested and hopes to work with Anwari for my final year project. I really like his style!"
Navarro Aydemir"Disagrees with David's opinions about the usage of static, and believes that the usage of static represents 'disturbance' and compliments well the situation - disturbance in her memory - her forgeting him. Likes the look of the film, especially it's depth of field"
James Clear Tournas, fellow filmmaker"Finds the cast to be rather good, charismatic in a way. Likes the significant difference of depth of field between the dream sequence and the real world"
David Paul Irons, fellow filmmaker
"The film looks promisingly professional, not very keen of the whole idea in which the past events are hocked into the audience by the means of dialogue. The film, being fairly experimental, might have utilize other ways to represent the past events, something more expressive ,perhaps with mise-en-scene or such. The dialogue in the beginning draws the audiences' interest away early in the film. Otherwise, the dream sequence is wicked!"
Nicole Wirth, film critic
"The editing is superb
, also notices the continuity error with light on liang's face. Finds the dialogue scene to be a bit long and dragging"
Siti Noor Fateha, senior filmmaker
"Ching Yee's performance is great!"
Suraya Hani, Media Student
"The early handheld scene to be novice-ly shot, likes Liang's performance
and is the only science student to watch it and interpret the dream sequence as a struggle for memory
, and likes the dream sequence."
Afida Liyana, Petronas Scholar
"Likes the effects in the dream sequence! Nothing like the Malay trash films"
Emir Anuar, Physics Whiz
"Find the acting to be a little stiff, resulting the feeling of dragging-ness early into the film, almost cried towards the end, almost got a heart attack from the sudden neuron buzz and strikes"
Elly Azreen, Law Student
The acting seems to be a little stiff
, was irritated by the high pitched sound, couldn't relate the content to the title, and a few medical mistakes"
Farhan Wilson, Medical Student
fragility. awesome title. very catchy. somehow it reminds me of changeling.
wari, next vidoe/movie, let me act for u la. haha. kidding. i suck at acting.
yotube takder ker dik?.. good luck with ur film school bro! ;-)
nazu - u btol nazu? i carik u sampai lubang cacing sruh u belakon kot nnt! :)
saudara ajami - ade..tapi nk tggu lpas premiere baru upload masuk youtube.
wait.. did you really quote what i said or you interpret what i said??
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